It was great to exhibit at Sothern Manufacturing and Electronics last week, the three-day event held at Farnborough international exhibition centre was jam packed with a cross section of exhibitors and conference speakers from relevant industry sectors.
For the team here at Pentagon it certainly felt like the busiest industry exhibition so far, post COVID. With heavy footfall spanning all three days and the hum of excited conversation throughout you couldn’t help but get swept up in the innovative atmosphere.
Our team enjoyed catching up with existing customers and suppliers as well as meeting a high number of potential new customers and networking contacts. Coming away from the event feeling optimistic we have already received a good number of interesting enquiries.
We have attended a good number of exhibitions post pandemic, but none have quite reached the level of lively interest that they had done previously. Until now that is, the atmosphere at Southern Manufacturing felt like it had done pre COVID and this brings renewed excitement for our team and a returning optimism for future exhibitions and the wider manufacturing industry.
If you missed us at the event and would like to receive more information on our plastic injection moulding and mould tooling services, you can contact us by phone on 01403 264397 or email us at, we look forward to talking to you soon.