Reflecting back on 2019 we have had another good business year, our major mile stones are the purchase of an additional unit, the exciting launch of our fresh company re-brand, the addition of 5 new team members, internal promotions and investment in to both our moulding and tooling divisions.
We have seen a sustained increase in production demand for technical plastic injection moulding despite the continued public ‘war against plastics’. And in the face of an uncertain Brexit outcome our bespoke moulding and tooling services have to date felt little effect.
As has been the situation for some years now our major business challenge is finding the correct engineering skill set to carry the toolmaking side of the business forward in the coming years. It is no secret that ‘hands on toolmakers’are nothing short of gold dust in the UK and particularly in our geographic location. This has given rise for us tore-evaluate how we recruit in this area of the business. Looking to bring in more basic machinists with an aptitude for learning to be mentored and developed by existing toolmakers within the business. This will continue to be an area of focus for us throughout 2020 and beyond.
The tail end of 2019 sees us begin the very exciting chapter of fully developing the Tooling Division in to one site. Bringing all toolmakers and tooling engineers together from our existing two sites of manufacture the new office has been sited and now machinery is on the move! Once the existing machinery has been relocated all our Tooling Division services will operate from Unit 15.
This will give rise to the much-needed expansion of our Moulding Division which is currently at capacity.
2020 will see new offices, re-siting of existing presses and the addition of new ones, larger storage area, improved packing facility and dedicated quality department. The addition of new plastic injection moulding presses will inevitably mean that we will need to increase our staffing levels to operate at a larger capacity. We are already planning for the addition of another Moulding Technician early on into the new year to support our current team of Setters.
We anticipate an exciting business year in 2020 as we fully expand into both of our Horsham based manufacturing sites. Delivering improved workflow, process control, increase in production and staffing levels.
But for now, from all the team here at the Pentagon Plastics Group we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.